2020年6月8日 星期一

Consumers rush to buy thinner face masks ahead of summer

Consumers rush to buy thinner face masks ahead of summer
An online shopping channel selling thinner face masks crashed Friday as South Koreans rushed to buy the antivirus masks amid warmer weather.
Mask manufacturer Welkeeps began sales of the "saliva droplet prevention" masks at 9 a.m., but its online server shortly was shut down as shoppers rushed to get the masks priced at 500 won.
Data by supermarket operator E-mart showed that sales of surgical masks that are similar to the saliva droplet prevention masks, nearly tripled in the May 22-28 period compared with the previous month.
crash:動詞,電腦當機(系統癱瘓)、撞、崩垮。例句:My computer crashed again.(我的電腦又當機了。)
saliva:名詞,口水、唾液、涎。例句:Saliva means the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet.(口水是指你口中製造、為讓口腔保持濕潤的液體。)
surgical:形容詞,外科(手術、醫生)(用)的。例句:You might be able to have your vision restored by a surgical operation.(你也許能藉由外科手術恢復視力。)

