2020年6月10日 星期三

JK Rowling to publish fairy tale free for locked-down children

JK Rowling to publish fairy tale free for locked-down children
The creator of the "Harry Potter" books JK Rowling said on Tuesday she would release a free online serialisation of a bed-time story she wrote for her children 10 years ago.
Rowling said she decided to pull "The Ickabog" story "down from the attic" and publish it for children forced to stay at home during the coronavirus lockdown.
羅琳表示,她決定把《The Ickabog》從閣樓裡拉出來,出版給因為武漢肺炎封鎖令,被迫待在家裡的孩子們。
She would post the first two chapters on a dedicated website on Tuesday, with 34 further instalments released each weekday until July 10.
"The Ickabog" is unrelated to any of Rowling’s other previous works, though she noted it was penned "in fits and starts" between her "Harry Potter" books.
The Ickabog》與羅琳以前的其他作品沒有關聯,儘管這部作品是在出版《哈利波特》期間開始動筆的。
She then intends to publish the story in English in November and other languages later on. All royalties will be given to projects assisting groups particularly affected by the pandemic.
dedicated:形容詞,專用、專屬。例句:David didn’t own a dedicated computer until he got the scholarship.(在拿到獎學金之前,大衛都沒有自己的專用電腦。)
instalment:名詞,連載小說的一個章節。例句:You can read the first instalment of the work of fiction for free.(你可以免費閱讀這部小說的第一章。)
royalty:名詞,版稅。例句:The composer donated royalties to a charity.(這位作曲家將版稅捐給一家慈善機構。)

