2020年6月23日 星期二

Ancient Petra a ghost town as pandemic hits Jordan tourism

Ancient Petra a ghost town as pandemic hits Jordan tourism
疫情衝擊約旦觀光業 古城彼特拉宛如鬼鎮
For over two millennia the ancient city of Petra has towered majestically over the Jordanian desert. Today its famed rose-red temples hewn into the rockface lie empty and silent.
As the novel coronavirus spread around the world, Jordanian authorities imposed a lockdown, and the last tourists left on March 16, a day before the Hashemite kingdom closed its borders.
"It’s the first time I’ve seen this place so empty. Usually there are thousands of tourists," said Nayef Hilalat, 42, who has worked as a guardian at the ancient archaeological site for a decade.
"Every year at this time the place would be buzzing with people," he lamented, wearing a khaki cap bearing the Jordanian flag. "Today all we can hear is the birds singing."
他頭戴著有約旦國旗圖案的卡其帽,感歎道:「往年此時,這裡都會充滿嘈雜的人聲 ,如今只能聽見鳥鳴。」
One of the seven wonders of the world, and classified as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1985, Petra was once the capital of the nomadic Nabataean Arab peoples and dates back to at least 200 years BC.
millennia:名詞,1000年( millennium的名詞複數);千年期;千禧年。例句:Natural and herbal contraception has been used for millennia.(天然和草藥避孕方法已經使用數千年。)
hewn:動詞,(用斧、刀等)砍、劈、鑿。例句:They hewed a path through the jungle.(他們在叢林中開闢出一條路。)
lament:動詞,哀悼、悲嘆。例句:John lamented over the loss of his best friend.(約翰哀悼好友的逝去。)

The Life Of Peter Dinklage
【摘要2020.6.22.蘋果】Born with dwarfism, Dinklage faced a number of challenges throughout his career. His first break came in 1995, when he was cast in the independent comedy-drama Living in Oblivion.
Coincidentally, Dinklage played the role of an actor with dwarfism who was frustrated with his stereotypical roles. Over 15 years later, it was his role as Tyrion Lannister in the hit HBO television series Game of Thrones that would finally bring Peter Dinklage to the world’s attention.
很巧的是,汀克萊傑在裡面扮演的就是患有侏儒症的演員,戲裡的他對自己所飾演的刻板角色相當氣餒。逾十五年之後,他在 HBO 的熱門影集《權力遊戲》中所扮演的提利昂蘭尼斯特這個角色,終於讓全球都注意到他這號人物。
dwarfism n.侏儒症
cast vt.
The director began to cast actors for her new movie.
frustrated a.

