2020年6月19日 星期五

Animal baby boom at Palestinian zoo after people disappear

Animal baby boom at Palestinian zoo after people disappear
人類不來後 巴勒斯坦動物園爆發動物嬰兒潮
Peacocks, ostriches and baboons joined in an animal baby boom at Palestinian tiny Qalqilya Zoo during the coronavirus closure as they let nature take its course.
Fifteen animals were born during the two months that it shut its doors to visitors - three times more than usual, zoo officials said.
"The coronavirus spread at the same time that trips were expected at the zoo. They were cancelled and therefore the animals started to give birth," said zoo veterinarian Sami Khader.
The ostrich that laid eggs in normal years rarely had the chance to incubate them properly. But this year she produced 11 eggs and because there weren’t people around her, she was able to build a nest.
In the monkey enclosure, usually bedeviled by miscarriages, one baboon gave birth, although she had little inclination to take care of the baby. "My father had to bring him to our house," said the vet’s daughter, Hind Khader. "I took care of him and gave him milk."
incubate:動詞,孵化。例句:Pythons incubate their eggs by coiling their bodies over them.(巨蟒把身體盤繞在卵上進行孵化。)
bedevil:動詞,使痛苦。例句:She was bedeviled by shoulder pains most of her tennis career.(她大半的網球生涯都受肩膀傷痛所苦。)
miscarriage:名詞,流產。例句:The agony of a miscarriage pushed her to the brink of a breakdown.(流產的痛苦讓她瀕臨精神崩潰邊緣。)

