2020年6月20日 星期六

Cuban dons full-body cardboard shield against coronavirus

Cuban dons full-body cardboard shield against coronavirus
Ever since the novel coronavirus reached Cuba, a tall cardboard box with arms and legs can be seen tottering around a Havana suburb, popping into the bakery or butchers, or browsing the newspaper stand.
This is Feridia Rojas, 82, who decided to build and wear mobile housing to shield herself from the virus that is particularly deadly to seniors in a country where personal protective equipment is not sold at stores.
“I am at home, what about you?” reads a message on her box, in a witty nod to Cuba’s coronavirus slogan “Stay at home.”
“I was worried about the asymptomatic cases who could cough just as I passed,” she said. “So I thoughtI’ll do a little house with a cardboard box and wear it.”
While her mobile home may be less necessary as Cuba’s outbreak appears to have come under control, Rojas said it still provided necessary comic relief.
“In the midst of this pandemic, this stress and anxiety all the time, my little home makes people laugh,” she said. Reuters
totter:動詞,指踉蹌、來回搖晃、公司或政府搖搖欲墜。例句:That company has tottered from crisis to crisis now for three years.(這間公司3年來危機不斷,風雨飄搖。)
pop into:片語動詞,指急急走進、突然出現。例句:A new idea popped into her mind like a flash.(一個點子突然在她腦裡靈光一現。)
nod:動詞,指點頭、打盹、贊同、搖擺;名詞,指點頭示意、同意、選中。例句:One of them will get the nod.(他們之中將有一人雀屏中選。)

The Swarm is one of the world’s most successful eco-thrillers and was a best-selling book for months on end. A producer of Game of Thrones is currently adapting the novel into an English-language TV series. The series, which will take place in locations all around the world, is expected to be the most expensive European production ever! A movie is also in the works, so soon there will be more than one way to enjoy The Swarm.
adapt A into B A 改編成 B
The film studio will adapt the play into a movie.
TV series n. 電視影集
be in the works 正在籌劃進行中
The construction of a new sports center is in the works.

