2022年10月8日 星期六

Suspected Rome bank robber foiled by tunnel collapse




An Italian man had to be rescued after becoming trapped in a collapsed tunnel near the Vatican, suspected of being part of a gang burrowing its way to a nearby bank, police said Friday.


Firefighters spent eight hours digging him out from under a road in the west of Rome, before he was finally freed on Thursday evening and taken to hospital.


"Two people from Naples were arrested for resisting a public official and two, from Rome, for damage" to public property, a police spokesman told AFP.


"We are still investigating, we do not exclude that they are thieves, it is one of the theories," he said.


For Italian newspapers, however, the motive was clear, noting the tunnel was found near a bank ahead of the August 15 long weekend, when residents traditionally head out of town and much of Rome becomes empty.



foil:動詞,阻撓、挫敗、擊退。例句:Fortunately, the police were able to foil the kidnapper’s plan.(幸運的是,警方能夠挫敗綁架者的計畫。)

burrow:動詞,挖洞、挖通道、潛伏、探索。例句: Animals like frog and rabbits burrow holes into soil to make shelter.(像是青蛙和兔子等動物會在土壤中鑽洞來當作庇護所。)

motive:名詞,動機、目的。例句: There may be a hidden motive for his departure.(他的離開可能有一個隱藏的動機。)


