2022年10月5日 星期三

36,000km in three days: $8,000 car rental charge shocks Canadian woman




Car rental companies have long earned a reputation for gouging customers, penny-pinching on frills and finding new and unscrupulous ways to charge for add-ons.


But a Canadian woman says she was billed thousands in extra mileage after a rental company claimed she drove a distance nearly the circumference of the Earth over a three-day period.


Earlier this month, Giovanna Boniface flew from Vancouver to Toronto, where she rented an SUV at the airport. Her rental receipt, posted to Twitter, shows the company levied a charge of 25 cents per kilometre – for 36,000 additional kilometres.


Even if she had travelled from Mexico City to Skagway, Alaska, over the three days, driving nonstop, she would still be nearly 30,000km short of what the company claimed she had travelled – enough to traverse the entire continent of North America three more times.



shock:動詞,(使)震驚,(使)憤怒。例句:The scandal shocked us all.(這起醜聞令我們所有人感到震驚。)

gouge:動詞或名詞,超過合理範圍的高額收費。例句:Price gouging is illegal here.(哄抬物價在這裡是非法的。)

penny-pinching:形容詞,吝嗇,錙銖必較。例句:He is a well-known penny-pincher.(他是眾所周知的吝嗇鬼。)


