2022年7月9日 星期六

No 10 considers 50-year mortgages that could pass down generations


唐寧街10號考慮50年的抵押貸款 可以代代相傳


Downing Street is exploring the idea of trying to tackle the housing crisis with ultra-long mortgages of up to 50 years that could pass between generations, allowing more people to build up equity rather than pay rent.


Mortgage experts said the idea could bring some benefits but flagged problems, including the potential to saddle children with debt, and the fact it would not tackle the fundamental issue of housing supply.


Under the plan being examined by No 10, a longer mortgage period would allow people to borrow larger sums, with the possibility of passing the debt on, although it remains unclear what government action would make this happen.


Other housing ideas being considered by Downing Street include trying to free up government-owned land for rapid homebuilding, and exploring whether institutions such as schools could build homes for key workers priced out of local areas.



flag:動詞,標記、給做標記。例句:The spellcheck program flags any words that are not in its dictionary.(這個拼字檢查程式會把不在其字典中的任何單字標示出來。)

equity:名詞,資產淨值。例句:We do not have enough equity in our home to use it as collateral for a loan.(我們的房子沒有足夠的資產淨值來當作貸款的擔保品。)

price out:價格出局。例句:When the cost of something becomes prohibitively high to a person, that person is said to have been priced out of the market.(當某樣東西的價格對某人變得過高時,這個人就被說成是被價格擠出市場。)

