2022年7月7日 星期四

Company offers $6,000 to smell dog poop for two months


(企業提供6000美元 要求嗅聞狗狗糞便2個月)


OMNI, a company that specializes in plant-based dog food in Britain, said it is seeking dog owners to sniff their dog’s poop, to test the effect a plant-based diet has on their dog’s digestion, stool odor and general health.


The winning applicant will be paid $6,685.82 to use OMNI’s dog food for two months and report on the effects the food has on the animal’s frequency of bowel movements, poop odor, energy levels, behavior, sleep patterns, weight and fur condition.


OMNI co-founder Shiv Sivakumar said customers have reported improved general health after switching to the plant-based food.


"We know that this is quite a peculiar vacancy, but we also know that this is the way for us to put our money where our mouth is and show that plant-based dog food could improve dogs’ digestive health," he said.



sniff:動詞,嗅聞。例句:He sniffed at the wine before tasted it.(他在喝之前先聞了聞酒。)

stool:名詞,糞便;凳子。例句:The patient had bloody stools.(該病患有便血情況。)

put one’s money where one’s mouth is:慣用語,以行動證明自己的話。例句:The mayor should put his money where his mouth is and increase funding for the project.(市長應該用行動證明,增加對該計畫的贊助。)


