2022年7月29日 星期五

Amazing Little Puffins



If you take a tour, there are a few things to keep in mind. Although puffins appear cute and aren’t afraid of people, they are wild animals. So, you shouldn’t try to pet them. Touching them might even affect their ability to keep their feathers waterproof. Tourists should also be careful when walking near cliffs. They could accidentally step on a nest and destroy a home where a puffin family has lived for years. Instead, visitors should admire these birds from a distance and give them the respect they deserve.



pet vt. (表示憐愛地)輕撫輕摸

feather n. 羽毛

deserve vt. 應得,值得

Such a good student deserves our praise.

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A fisherman’s sighting in March confirmed that a flamingo that fled a Kansas zoo in 2005 has defied the odds to live a Pixar-worthy life in the wilds of Texas.


It served as confirmation that No. 492, estimated to be about 20 years old, is still persevering despite striking out on its own.


Its journey would fit snugly into a Pixar movie script.


On a windy day in Wichita, Kan., in 2005, No. 492 made its escape.


The workers at Sedgwick County Zoo had forgotten to clip the African flamingo’s wings, a maintenance that keeps the beloved birds from flying away into the dangerous world outside.



defy the odds:慣用語,指想辦法做到了原本被認為不可能做到的事,排除萬難,挑戰不可能。defy,動詞,違抗...挑戰;odds,名詞,可能性,機會。例句: The toddler defied the odds and recovered from coronavirus, much to his doctor’s and parents’ astonishment.(令醫生與父母驚訝的是,這名武漢肺炎確診的學步期小男童化不可能為可能地康復了。)

striking out on one’s own:慣用語,自立、獨立去追尋某事。例句:He was forced to leave the family business and decided to strike out on his own.(他被逼離開家族事業並決定自行打拼。)

make one’s escape:片語,成功脫逃。

