2022年7月18日 星期一

AI Algorithm Predicts Future Crimes One Week in Advance With 90% Accuracy


人工智慧演算法提前一週預測未來犯罪 準確率達90


Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have sparked interest from governments that would like to use these tools for predictive policing to deter crime. However, early efforts at crime prediction have been controversial, because they do not account for systemic biases in police enforcement and its complex relationship with crime and society.


University of Chicago data and social scientists have developed a new algorithm that forecasts crime by learning patterns in time and geographic locations from public data on violent and property crimes. It has demonstrated success at predicting future crimes one week in advance with approximately 90% accuracy.


The new model isolates crime by looking at the time and spatial coordinates of discrete events and detecting patterns to predict future events



account for:片語,佔(比例)。例句:Taiwan accounts for 12% of all sales in Asia.(台灣佔全亞洲地區銷售額的12%。)

discrete:形容詞,分離的;不相關聯的。例句:They give off discrete amounts of radiant energy .(它們釋放出不連續的輻射能量。)

