2021年8月17日 星期二

What is An Olympic Gold Medal Actually Worth?/


What is An Olympic Gold Medal Actually Worth?/


 【摘要21.8.15.自由】  黃靖媗

The design of the Olympic medals changes for each games, and this time around they are the work of Junichi Kawanishi.


The gold medal is in fact made from gold-plated pure silver, with around 6 grams of gold out of a total weight of 556 grams. The silver medal is made from pure silver and weighs around 550 grams, while the bronze medal weighs approximately 450 grams and is in fact made from 95% copper and 5% zinc.


At today’s prices that means the gold medal would be worth around $800 if you melted it down, while the silver would be worth about $450 and the bronze around $5.


Dozens of former Olympians have resorted to selling their medals over the years. Some have cited financial hardships, while others have said that they were motivated by raising money for charity.



pure:形容詞,純的。例句:The pure cotton shirts can help you stay comfortable.(純棉襯衫可以幫助你保持舒適。)

motivate:動詞,使產生動機、激起。例句:Their criticism was motivated by jealousy.(他們的批評因嫉妒而起。)

melt down:片語動詞,熔化、熔毀。例句: Belgium recently melted down over 22,000 firearms into 60 tons of recycled steel.(比利時近期將22000支槍熔化為60噸的再生鋼。)


