2020年12月16日 星期三

South Koreans take college entrance exam amid viral resurgence



Nearly a half-million South Korean high school seniors hunkered down on Thursday to take an annual university-entrance exam they had been preparing for since kindergarten.


All students had to get their temperature taken before entering the classrooms. They sat at desks separated by plastic dividers and wore masks throughout the test.


Even those who tested positive for the virus got the chance to take the college-entrance exam. The Education Ministry and health officials prepared negative-pressure hospital chambers at the Seoul Medical Center and 24 other hospitals so that 35 students with Covid-19 could take their exams while exam administrators wearing Level-D protective suits kept watch.


Nurses also kept a close eye on the students through closed-circuit television screens for signs of trouble.



resurgence:名詞,再起、復甦。例句:We can see resurgence in popularity for domestic tourism.(我們能看見國內旅遊再度流行。)

hunker down:片語,蹲坐、長期留守。例句:The security guards hunkered down for a night outside the house to ensure your safety.(保全人員在這間房子外留守一夜,以確保你的安全。)

keep a close eye on:片語,密切注意。例句:The prosecutor keeps a close eye on his revenue sources.(檢察官密切注意他的收入來源。)


