2020年12月10日 星期四

Japan shop deploys robot to check people are wearing face masks

Japan shop deploys robot to check people are wearing face masks

日本商店部署機器人 以確認人們有戴口罩


A shop in Japan has enlisted a robot to ensure customers are wearing masks, as the country prepares for a possible third wave of coronavirus infections.


Robovie, developed by the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International in Kyoto, is able to pick out customers who aren’t wearing masks and politely ask them to cover up. It can also intervene when they fail to socially distance while queuing up to pay.


The trial, which began last week at the club shop of Cerezo Osaka, a professional football team, will run until at least the end of November.


Robovie’s developers hope the experiment will reduce close contact between shoppers and staff, adding that they believe most people will feel less embarrassed by being asked to cover up by a robot than by a fellow human being.



enlist:動詞,爭取(幫助)、招募。例句:The company enlisted some temporary worker to help prepare the exhibition.(公司招募了一些臨時工,協助準備這場展覽。)

intervene:動詞,干預、調停。例句:The United Nations intervenes the dispute between China and Russia.(聯合國出手干預了中國與俄羅斯的爭端。)

embarrass:動詞,尷尬、為難。例句:Those compliments make her feel embarrassed.(這些讚美讓她感到尷尬。

