2020年12月7日 星期一

Giant Japanese robot spurs hopes for tourism after virus hit


Giant Japanese robot spurs hopes for tourism after virus hit

受病毒衝擊後 巨大的日本機器人為觀光業燃起希望


An 18-metre “Gundam” robot that can walk and move its arms was unveiled in Japan on Monday amid hopes that it will help invigorate tourism hit by COVID-19.


The robot is modelled after a figure in “Mobile Suit Gundam”, a Japanese cartoon first launched in the late 1970s about enormous battle robots piloted by humans. The series spawned multiple spin-offs and toys and gained a worldwide following.


It will be the centrepiece of the Gundam Factory Yokohama, a tourist attraction that opens on Dec. 19 in the port city.


“I hope this will lead to stimulating tourism demand and revitalising local areas,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a news conference. Reuters



spawn:名詞,指魚和青蛙等動物的卵、小動物、小孩;動詞,指產卵、使產生、使突然成長。例句:The policy has spawned hundreds of new businesses.(這項政策已催生出上百家新企業。)

spin-off:名詞,指衍生作品、副產品。例句:That stage show is a spin-off from a TV series.(這部舞台劇是一齣電視劇的衍生作品。)

centrepiececenterpiece):名詞,指核心、最重要的部分、中心裝飾。例句:Trump’s promises to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border were the centerpiece of his hard-line immigration rhetoric during the 2016 campaign.(川普在美墨邊界築牆的承諾是他在2016年大選時強硬移民言論的核心內容。)



Painting of 2 migrant children holding ’Bring Our Mom Back’ sign to hang in the Capitol

繪有拿著「把我媽帶回來」標語牌的移民小孩的畫作 將掛在國會山莊


A painting of two migrant children holding a sign that reads "Bring Our Mom Back" will hang in the US Capitol as one of the winners of the Congressional Art Competition for high school students.


Dominick Cocozza, 17, of Virginia made the painting titled "Immigration" which features two concerned-looking children holding the sign. "I had seen lots of pictures of kids carrying signs and stuff," he said. "So I thought by doing this one, I could mix the message in with my artistic abilities and capture that moment."


Rep. Don Beyer announced Cocozza’s piece as the winner from his district at a reception Monday.


In a statement to CNN, Beyer congratulated Cocozza and said he looked forward to having the painting in the Capitol.



bring back:慣用語,帶回,送回。例句:You promised my dad that you will bring me back home before 10 o’clock.(你答應過我爸會在10點前送我回家。)


look forward to:慣用語,期待(即將發生的某事),to後接動詞ing。例句:I am looking forward to meeting you at the reunion party next week.(我期待在下週的同學會上與你相見。)



