2022年9月3日 星期六

WHO asks people not to attack monkeys over monkeypox




With cases of monkeypox surging around the world, it’s not a good time to be a monkey.


The primates have, in recent days, been physically attacked — and even killed — by poisoning and stoning attacks in Brazil, according to local media reports that cite police officials.


In the last week, at least 10 animals of the marmoset and capuchin types were found displaying signs of intoxication or aggression, leading to fears that they had been poisoned, according to Brazilian news site G1. Seven of the monkeys died, while the others are under observation at a zoo in São José do Rio Preto, a municipality in the state of São Paulo.


The assaults have led to the World Health Organization — which declared monkeypox a global health emergency last month — issuing a reminder that despite the virus’s name, monkeys should not be blamed for its transmission.



surge:動詞,(海浪)洶湧奔騰、猛衝、激增。例句:Due to an unexpected surge in temperatures, we will move the graduation party indoors.(因為氣溫意外升高,我們將把畢業晚會移到室內舉行。)

intoxication:名詞,陶醉、狂喜、中毒。例句:Symptoms of acute intoxication include unsteady gait, slurred speech and sustained nystagmus.(急性中毒的症狀包括步履不穩,說話含糊不清與持續眼球震顫。)

reminder:名詞。提示、注意、提醒的人或事物。例句: It is a reminder to us that there is a lot of work ahead.(它提醒我們,前方還有許多工作要做。)

