2022年9月9日 星期五

Study: Cats not bothered one bit if owners are treated badly




A study in Japan suggests there may be something after all to the old stereotype that pet cats are generally aloof and indifferent toward their owners while dogs are fiercely protective and loyal.


Researchers from Kyoto University and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science wanted to understand how cats behave when their owners are being given a hard time. The same experiments using dogs seven years ago were referenced to gauge behavioral differences between the two species.


Team members concluded that cats do not seem to care how people treat their owners, while dogs keep their distance from those who give their owners the cold shoulder.



after all:片語,畢竟。

give someone a hard time:慣用語,使(某人)日子不好過。例句:Her mother-in-law always gives her a hard time when she is busy.(她的婆婆總是在她很忙的時候給她添亂惹事。)

cold shoulder:慣用語,冷淡對待,刻意怠慢,愛理不理。例句:He got the cold shoulder from his ex-wife when they ran into each other at a party last night.(他昨晚在一場派對上偶遇前妻時,被女方當成空氣。)


