2021年2月4日 星期四

Subway bread isn’t bread, Irish court says


摘要2021.2.4.自由】 孫宇青

Ireland’s Supreme Court has ruled that bread sold by the fast food chain Subway contains so much sugar that it cannot be legally defined as bread.


The ruling came in a tax dispute brought by Bookfinders Ltd., an Irish Subway franchisee, which argued that some of its takeaway products - including teas, coffees and heated sandwiches - were not liable for value-added tax.


A panel of judges rejected the appeal, ruling that the bread sold by Subway contains too much sugar to be categorized as a "staple food," which is not taxed.


"There is no dispute that the bread supplied by Subway in its heated sandwiches has a sugar content of 10% of the weight of the flour included in the dough, and thus exceeds the 2% specified," the judgement read.AP



franchisee:名詞,特許經營者。例句:The franchisee would be given the exclusive recipe of the donuts.(加盟店會獲得甜甜圈的獨家食譜。)

liable:形容詞,有義務的;應付稅的。例句:You will be liable to tax on the annual bonus.(你的年終獎金將被課稅。)

staple:名詞或形容詞,主食;主要的。例句:Bread is the staple of the Germans.(麵包是德國人的主食。)


