2021年2月12日 星期五

Biden, Democrats hit gas on push for $15 minimum wage


Biden, Democrats hit gas on push for $15 minimum wage



The Democratic push to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour has emerged as an early flashpoint in the fight for a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, testing President Joe Biden’s ability to bridge Washington’s partisan divides as he pursues his first major legislative victory.


Biden argues that anyone who holds a full-time job shouldn’t live in poverty, echoing progressives in the Democratic Party who are fully on board with the effort.


Some Republicans support exploring an increase but are uneasy with $15 an hour. (AP)



hit (the) gas:片語,加速,加快腳步。例句:You need to hit the gas if you still want to make it on time.(如果你還想準時到達的話,就需要加快腳步。)

bridge:動詞,縮小差異、分歧。例句:The officials are trying to bridge the gap between employees and management.(官員在努力化解勞資之間的鴻溝。)

on board with:片語,贊同(某事)。例句:I’m on board with your ideas.(我贊成你的主意。)


