2021年2月17日 星期三

English farm finds new income by livening up video conferences


English farm finds new income by livening up video conferences

英國農場藉由帶給視訊會議歡樂 找到新收入


Cronkshaw Fold Farm in Lancashire, England, has been offering up their goats to make spontaneous, up-close appearances in virtual meetings anywhere in the world.


The goats drop in on otherwise mundane virtual gatherings, including seemingly serious business meetings, birthday parties, baby showers and high school math lessons. A goat will appear in the meeting with its name displayed on the screen.


It’s typically a surprise to all attendees but the organizer. For around 5 euros per visit, a goat will abruptly appear in the meeting.


While the main idea is to get some laughs during a grim time, the goat video calls have managed to keep the 500-year-old farm afloat - and staff members employed.



spontaneous:形容詞,自發的、即興的。例句:We are surprise at the spontaneous performance. (我們對這個即興的表演感到驚訝。)

afloat:形容詞,經濟上周轉自如、有償債能力。例句:During the pandemic, many small companies are struggling to keep afloat.(在疫情期間,許多小企業奮力地維持經營。)

abruptly:副詞,突然地、唐突地。例句:After the rain ended abruptly, we decided to go hiking.(在雨突然停了之後,我們決定去健行。)


