2021年2月24日 星期三

Florida blocks wealthy vaccine tourists after anger from elderly residents


Florida blocks wealthy vaccine tourists after anger from elderly residents



As millions of elderly Floridians scramble to register for a limited but growing supply of COVID-19 vaccines, state officials are clamping down on so-called vaccine tourism by limiting doses to only the state’s part- and full-time residents.


Shirley Hicks, 70, spent three weeks glued to her computer to find a dose for her husband Michael, 80, after Florida became one of the first states allowing vaccines for those aged 65 or older.


But with no residency requirements for vaccinations, Florida residents have watched as wealthy tourists have joined the rush for a jab. Reuters



block:動詞,攔阻,阻礙。例句:Your car is blocking the road.(你的車擋到路了。)

scramble:動詞,急忙、爭搶做某事。例句:People are scrambling to buy food and medicine.(大家在搶買糧食、醫藥。)

clamp down on something 片語,取締,禁止或限制。例句:The government is clamping down on drink-driving.(政府正在取締酒後駕車。)


