2021年2月20日 星期六

Apology does little to quell fury over Mori’s sexist remarks


Apology does little to quell fury over Mori’s sexist remarks



Criticism over the sexist remarks uttered by Tokyo Olympic organizing committee chief Yoshiro Mori spread in the Cabinet and overseas after his apology fell flat and he rejected calls to resign.


Cabinet ministers were in unison on Feb. 5 in blasting Mori’s contention that having a large number of women on sports associations’ committees would lead to prolonged meetings because they tend to talk too much.


Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa, one of two women in Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s Cabinet, expressed concern that Mori’s remarks would set back the government’s plans to have women take up 30 percent of leadership positions in Japan.



quell:動詞,(尤其指透過武力)制止,平息,鎮壓。例句:Myanmar’s military government blocked Facebook and other social media platforms in a bid to quell dissent after detaining the country’s elected leaders and seizing power in a coup.(緬甸軍政府在逮捕該國的民選領袖與發動政變奪權後,封鎖臉書與其他社群媒體平台以壓制異議。)

fall flat:片語,(笑話、想法或建議)失敗,無效,未達到預期效果。例句:She told a joke in the meeting and it fell flat.(她在會議上說了個笑話,但沒人覺得好笑。)

set back something:片語,使延後,使受挫。

