2022年2月12日 星期六

William Shatner says Prince William is ’missing the point’ of space tourism


威廉沙特納說 威廉王子沒搞懂太空旅行的真諦


William Shatner is firing a rhetorical rocket back at Prince William after the future king criticized space tourism.


Shatner, who blasted into space on one of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ rockets, said the British royal has "got the wrong idea" by saying that solving problems on Earth should be prioritized over tourist trips to space.


The 90-year-old "Star Trek" actor said that a power generating base could be constructed 250 miles above the Earth and used to supply homes and businesses below. "The prince is missing the point," he added.


Without mentioning names, William criticized billionaires focused on space tourism in an interview Thursday with the BBC, saying they should invest more time and money in saving Earth.



miss the point:慣用語,未能領會;未能理解。例句:He missed the point of everything I just said and didn’t let me explain it again.(他沒搞懂我剛才說的,還不讓我再次解釋。)


get the wrong idea (about someone or something):慣用語,誤解,搞錯。例句:Don’t get the wrong idea about those two guys they are brothers, not lovers.(別誤會那2位男生,他們是兄弟,不是情侶。)


