2022年2月7日 星期一

Russia, US square off at UN over Ukraine crisis



【摘要2022.2.6..自由】Russia and the United States face off Monday at the UN Security Council over Moscow’s troop buildup on the Ukrainian border, as Western nations intensify their high-stakes diplomatic push to avert open conflict in Europe.


With tensions soaring, the United States has declared itself ready to push back against any "disinformation" Moscow put forward in what is expected to be one of the most closely watched United Nations sessions in years.


The US-requested Council meeting, at 1600 GMT, comes as fears grow of an imminent incursion into Ukraine, despite Kremlin denials.


Russia was expected to try to block the 15-member Council from holding the meeting at all with its envoy to the UN on Monday calling it part of a US bid to whip up "hysteria" over Ukraine.



face off :片語,對峙、對抗。例句:Soldiers and protesters faced off during riots.(士兵和抗議者在暴動中對峙)

push back:片語,(抗拒改變的)推回、延遲。例句:Large banks are pushing back against regulators’ plans to toughen rules on these loans.(大型銀行正抗拒監管單位對那些貸款加強規定的計畫。)

whip up:片語,煽動、激起、促進、快速地準備餐點。例句: He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project.(他正試圖為這計畫激起一些熱情。)


