2021年1月15日 星期五

Trump rushes to dole out plum appointments to allies on way out the door

 川普卸任在即 急著指派盟友出任肥缺


While President Donald Trump has refused to acknowledge that he lost the election, he’s handling the lame-duck period as his predecessors did in one respectawarding plum appointments to key allies, donors and friends on his way out of the White House.


Since the election, the White House has announced more than 100 appointments and nominations - some to key administration posts, but also to various advisory boards and commissions.


The practice of lame-duck appointments is by no means new or unusual. The president’s two most recent predecessors, Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, made a similar flurry of appointments in the final days of their lame-duck administrations.



dole out:片語,少量分發、施捨。例句:She keeps doling out money to those kids.(她一直施捨錢給那些小孩。)

plum:形容詞,好的。plum job/assignment:報酬高的工作、任務,肥差。例句:He just landed a plum job.(他剛輕鬆地得到一個肥缺。)

by no means:片語,絕對不。例句:He is by no means a good husband.(他絕對不是個好丈夫。)


