2021年1月26日 星期二

Biden’s focus on rebuilding allies to impact Korea-US relations


Biden’s focus on rebuilding allies to impact Korea-US relations

拜登聚焦重建與盟邦關係 將影響韓美關係


President Joe Biden’s attention to "repairing alliances" has raised hopes that things between South Korea and U.S. will be different under the new U.S. leader.


"This will involve reaching an agreement on Special Measures Agreement negotiations fairly quickly, taking South Korea’s views on North Korea into consideration even if Seoul’s and Washington’s positions are different, cooperation in multilateral issues such as climate change or trade, and trying to get the Moon Jae-in government on board his administration’s position on China," Ramon Pacheco Pardo, who serves as associate professor of international relations at King’s College London.


"I would also expect Biden to support South Korea becoming part of an expanded G7 or similar forum, and supporting a more vocal Seoul in international relations," added Pardo.



repair:動詞,修理(補、復)、補救、糾正、彌補。例句:The garage said the car was so old it wasn’t worth repairing.(修車廠說這輛車太舊,不值得修了。)

take into consideration:片語,考慮到、對加以考慮。例句:You must take her illness into consideration before dismissing her.(在將她解職前,你必須考慮到她的病情。)

on board:片語,讓(使)也參與、在交通工具上。例句:Let’s get him on board for the deal - he’s the expert.(讓他也參與這筆交易吧他是這方面的專家。)


