2020年10月26日 星期一

Will chief prosecutor run in presidential election?


Will chief prosecutor run in presidential election?



Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl, who has been engaged in a power struggle with Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, has come under scrutiny recently as questions are being raised over whether he has ambitions to run in the next presidential election.


The increased attention on Yoon comes as he gave ambiguous answers during an annual audit of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office at the National Assembly, Thursday, when asked whether he would consider entering politics after his term as chief prosecutor expires. "I will think about how I can serve the nation and the public after my term is over," he answered.


Yoon was appointed as prosecutor general in July last year. His term expires in July next year, months before the presidential election takes place in March 2022. Yoon has been cited as a potential presidential runner for the opposition bloc in various opinion polls. In the survey conducted by Gallup Korea in August, he garnered support from about 20 percent of conservative voters in their 60s or older.



ambiguous:形容詞,不明確的、含糊不清的、模稜兩可的。The government has been ambiguous on this issue.(政府對該問題的立場一直不明確。)

audit:名詞、動詞,審計、決算、查帳、旁聽。The company has an audit at the end of each financial year.(該公司在每一會計年度結束時,都要進行一次審計。。)

garner:動詞,獲(取)得、得到、收集(藏)。She garnered several Oscar awards.(她曾獲得多項奧斯卡獎。)


