2020年10月7日 星期三

NYC restaurants can soon add a Covid-19 surcharge to customers’ bills

 NYC restaurants can soon add a Covid-19 surcharge to customers’ bills



New York City diners may soon see a Covid-19 surcharge on their bills as the restaurant industry continues to hobble due to the coronavirus pandemic.


The New York City Council passed a bill on Wednesday 46-2 that would allow restaurants to charge as much as 10% on customers dining indoors or outdoors to help cover Covid-19 expenses.


Labeled the "COVID-19 Recovery Charge," the surcharge does not add to the bill’s overall tax, nor applies to delivery or takeout orders. A restaurant implementing the surcharge is free to use the new funds however it likes, though it must also make it clear that the surcharge is not a substitute for a tip or gratuity for waitstaff.



surcharge:名詞,指附加費用或罰款。例句:The express company made a surcharge for delivering the trunk.(快遞公司對運送這個大箱子收取額外費用。)

hobble:動詞,蹣跚、跛行、束縛。例句︰The president was hobbled by congressional resistance.(總統因國會抵制而受掣肘。)

gratuity:名詞,小費。例句:The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists which supplement their salaries.(導遊有時候會收到旅客的小費,可以貼補薪水。)

