2020年10月22日 星期四

Alligator rumored to have been Hitler’s dies in Moscow


Alligator rumored to have been Hitler’s dies in Moscow



An alligator that many people believe once belonged to Adolf Hitler has died in the Moscow Zoo.


The zoo said the alligator, named Saturn, was about 84 years old when he died on May 22.


Saturn was born in the United States and later sent to the Berlin Zoo, from which he escaped when the zoo was bombed in 1943. His whereabouts were unknown until 1946, when British soldiers found him and gave him to the Soviet Union.


"Almost immediately, the myth was born that he was allegedly in the collection of Hitler and not in the Berlin Zoo," the zoo said in a statement. But, it noted, "animals are not involved in war and politics and it is absurd to blame them for human sins."AP



alligator:名詞,短吻鱷。例句:This is a movie about an alligator being infuriated by humans.(這是一部有關鱷魚被人類激怒的電影。)

whereabouts:名詞,行蹤;下落。例句:No one knows the exact whereabouts of him.(沒人知道他確切的下落。)

absurd:形容詞,荒謬的。例句:It is absurd to blame the error on me.(把錯怪到我頭上太荒謬了。)


