2020年8月24日 星期一

Russia wants to return to Venus, build reusable rocket

Russia wants to return to Venus, build reusable rocket



The head of Russia’s space agency said Friday that Roscosmos wants to return to Venus and bring back soil samples and build spacecraft that will surpass Elon Musk’s rockets.

俄羅斯太空機構負責人週五說,俄羅斯航太太空活動國有公司(Roscosmos)想重返金星 ,帶回土壤樣本,並打造超越(太空探索科技公司)創辦人穆斯克的火箭的太空船。

"We are making a methane rocket to replace the Soyuz-2," Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with state news agency RIA Novosti.


He said it will be a reusable space complex, noting that it will be possible to use its first stage at least 100 times.


"Of course we are looking at what our American colleagues are doing," said Rogozin. "But our engineers are trying to take a shortcut not to repeat what our SpaceX colleagues are doing but surpass them."



surpass:動詞,超過;優於。例句:By working overtime every day, his sales performance finally surpassed his colleagues.(在每天加班的情況下,他的業績終於超過同事。)

colleague:名詞,同事、同僚。例句:You could defer the matter to your colleague.(你可以把這件事委託給同事去辦。)

shortcut:名詞,捷徑、近路。例句: There is no shortcut to success.(成功無捷徑。)


