2020年8月21日 星期五

Mumbai Green Lights Women Figures on Traffic Signals

 Mumbai Green Lights Women Figures on Traffic Signals



Mumbai has become the first Indian city to introduce female figures on its traffic lights, a move welcomed by women’s rights campaigners as a step towards greater inclusivity.


Authorities are swapping the green and red male stick figures on more than 100 pedestrian crossings to female figures as part of a broader plan to make roads more pedestrian-friendly.


"The signage reflects the character of the city... that it believes in gender equality and promotes women’s empowerment," said Kiran Dighavkar, assistant commissioner with Mumbai’s municipal corporation.


Women’s rights campaigners said the change may appear small, but was significant. In many Indian cities, women make up only a small proportion of the people on the streets.



towards:介系詞,朝向、面對。例句:Mary is moving towards her bedroom.(瑪莉正在朝她的臥室移動。)

swap:動詞,交換、互換。例句:We swapped the Line ID at the first time they met.(我們在初次見面時互換Line ID。)

proportion:名詞,比率、比例。例句:The han people make up a large proportion of Taiwan’s population.(漢人佔台灣人口很大的比率。)


