2020年8月25日 星期二

’Chief mouser’ Palmerston retires as UK’s top diplomatic cat

 ’Chief mouser’ Palmerston retires as UK’s top diplomatic cat



Palmerston, the chief mouser at the U.K. Foreign Office, has decided to leave sorting out international affairs to the human diplomats and retire to the countryside after four long, hard years on the job.


Palmerston made it official in a letter sent in his name to Simon McDonald, the U.K. Foreign Office’s permanent under-secretary, which explained that he wanted more time "away from the limelight."


Palmerston, who is named after the longest-serving British Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, arrived in April 2016 as a rescue cat.


Jon Benjamin, director of the department’s Diplomatic Academy, wished him a very happy retirement. "He left us a slightly chewed dead mouse next to my desk" Benjamin tweeted.



affair:名詞,事務。例句:You don’t have to meddle in my affair.(你沒必要干預我的事情。)

name after:片語,以的名字命名。例句:The museum is named after my father. (這間博物館是以我父親的名字命名。)

slightly:副詞,少量地、稍微地。例句:She is slightly unhappy because you broke her notebook.(她有點不開心,因為你弄壞了她的筆電。)


