2020年8月8日 星期六

Doggy deliveries help Colombians shop during pandemic



Eight-year-old Eros trots through the streets several times a day with a straw basket in his jaws, taking vegetables, fruit and packaged foods to customers of the El Porvenir mini-market. The chocolate Labrador retriever is paid with treats and massages of his furry head.


"He helps us maintain social distancing," says Eros’ owner Maria Natividad Botero. "And people love it when we send the dog."


Eros remembers the names of customers who have previously rewarded him with treats. And with some practice, he has learned to go to their houses on his own.


"He knows the names of five or six of our customers," said Botero. "So I send the merchandise with a receipt in the basket, and my customers pay me through a bank transfer."


Eros is happy to help his owners and collect his pay. "He’s quite a glutton. He won’t leave your house until you give him a treat."AP



trot:動詞,急行。例句:I trotted down the path to catch the bus.(我沿著街道小跑著趕搭公車。)

furry:形容詞,毛茸茸的。例句:Furry slippers keep my feet warm during winter.(毛茸茸的拖鞋讓我的腳在冬天裡暖呼呼。)

glutton:名詞,老饕;好吃貪杯的人。例句:He is such a glutton that there are always snacks in his drawer.(他很貪吃,抽屜裡隨時有點心。)



熱血衝浪 見義勇為


It looked like he was drowning and having trouble staying above the water. After Tom saw this situation, he decided to do his best to save the man. He swam over to the man. Then they both held onto Tom’s surfboard and rode back to the beach to safety. The man thanked Tom a lot. Tom felt very proud of himself. This was an unforgettable day in his life.



drowning a. 溺水的
do sb’s best to V
feel / be proud of...
Our teacher is proud of us because we all did well on the exam.
unforgettable a.


