2020年7月22日 星期三

To boldly go:NASA launches Lunar Loo challenge

To boldly goNASA launches Lunar Loo challenge
Everyone poops. Including astronauts, who have since the early space era found ways to do their business in near-zero gravity.
Now the US space agency is calling on the world’s inventors to develop a toilet that works not just in microgravity, but also lunar gravity on a future lunar lander spacecraft, as part of its plans to return to the Moon by 2024 under the Artemis mission.
The winning design will receive $20,000, with $10,000 for second place and $5,000 for third.
The toilet should work on the Moon’s gravity, which is about a sixth of the Earth’s so urine and feces will fall, though there will be less of a plop. AFP
loo:名詞,廁所、馬桶的非正式用語。例句:I need to go to the loo.(我要去洗手間。)
do one’s business:片語,上廁所的委婉說法。例句:My dog does his business in the dog park everyday.(我的狗狗每天在這座寵物公園裡上廁所。)
plop:名詞或動詞,物體落水(聲);動詞,重重地坐下或放下。例句:Raindrops plopped onto the metal roof.(雨滴滴滴答答打在金屬屋頂上。)

Cancer is represented by the crab, which was named Karkinos by the ancient Greeks. People born under this sign are called Cancerians and they are known to be brave, gentle, and sentimental. Just like the crab, which is safely protected in its strong shell, Cancerians seek stability and can be difficult for people to understand and connect with. However, beneath their often tough exterior, people born under Cancer are kind, trusting, and extremely caring individuals.
巨蟹座以螃蟹為代表,古希臘人將其命名為 Karkinos(編按:本字在希臘語中就是「螃蟹」之意)。在此星座下出生的人就屬巨蟹座,以勇敢、溫柔和多愁善感而出名。就像螃蟹被堅固的甲殼安全地保護著一樣,巨蟹座的人追求穩定,且很難為人們所理解並與其建立融洽關係。然而在他們往往堅強的外表底下,巨蟹座的人其實內心善良、值得信賴,而且非常有愛心。
Cancer n. 巨蟹座;屬巨蟹座的人
sentimental a. 多愁善感的
People usually get more sentimental in their old age.
stability n. 穩定,穩固

