Balloon-like object in Japanese
sky sets Twitter afire with talk of UFOs, Godzilla
日本天空中的氣球狀物體 導致推特的幽浮、哥斯拉話題沸騰
The appearance of a mysterious white
object in the sky over northern Japan on Wednesday set social media ablaze,
with speculation ranging from UFOs to coronavirus and North Korean propaganda.
Television footage taken in the
northeastern city of Sendai showed a balloon-like object above a cross, on
which propellers seemed to be turning. Officials in the Sendai Weather Bureau
said it had appeared near dawn and hung in the sky for hours, largely unmoving,
until obscured by clouds.
By afternoon it was the third-most
trending topic on Japanese Twitter, with theories including UFOs and North
Korean balloons used to drop leaflets. One user said it could be spreading
novel coronavirus, adding, "This gives me a very bad feeling, as if Godzilla
might suddenly appear."
A Sendai government official said
inquiries were still proceeding, with both the size of the object and its
origin, as well as its function, undetermined. No move had been made to
retrieve it as of late afternoon.
"We have absolutely no idea what it
is," said a weather bureau spokesman, declining to give his name. "It
may be some kind of weather monitoring equipment, but it definitely isn’t
ours." (Reuters)
buildings were set ablaze.(兩棟大樓付之一炬。)
had tried to damp down speculation about the state of her marriage.(她曾試圖制止關於她婚姻狀態的臆測。)
deliberately obscured the real situation from the investigators.(他們故意對調查人員掩蓋真實情況。)