2020年7月22日 星期三

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro bitten by bird during coronavirus quarantine

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro bitten by bird during coronavirus quarantine
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was bitten by an emu-like bird that he tried to feed while in quarantine at the presidential palace here, a media report said.
On Monday, Bolsonaro complained of his "horrible" isolation, saying he "can’t stand this routine of staying at home". Later that day, he took a stroll around the Palacio da Alvorada in Brasilia and decided to feed the birds.
One of the flightless birds, called a rhea, "pecked" at the President. The rhea is distantly related to ostriches and emu.
"Interacting with the animals has been one of Bolsonaro’s distractions," the newspaper reported, publishing a sequence of photos showing the president wearing a mask as he fed the flock of birds and then sharply withdrawing his hand.
horrible:形容詞,糟糕的、駭人的。例句:The defendant has admitted committing the horrible crime.(被告已經承認犯下這起駭人的罪行。)
take a stroll:片語,漫步、散步。例句:She takes a stroll around the park with her boyfriend after dinner.(晚餐後,她與男友一起在公園散步。)
distraction:名詞,能分散注意力的事、消遣。例句:Playing basketball is one of my distractions while in military service.(在服兵役期間,打籃球是我的消遣活動之一。)

The Wonderful World of Chocolate
Chocolate may seem to be a fun and tasty treat, but its industry has a lesser-known dark side. Child labor is used in the production of cocoa, and this is a severe issue that needs to be addressed. Most of the child workers are teenage boys.
They usually spend their days doing hard manual labor, like chopping down cocoa trees with large knives. At night, they sleep in huts in the woods. Many of them don’t attend school and are unable to see their families.
巧克力也許看似有趣又好吃的美味點心, 但巧克力產業有著一個較不為人知的黑暗面。兒童勞工被用於可可粉的生產過程中, 而這是一個需要解決的嚴重議題。大多數的童工都是青少年男孩。
labor n. 勞工;勞動()
address vt.處理,解決
The problem of how to reduce public smoking still needs to be addressed.
manual a. 體力的
hut n. 簡陋的小屋

