2023年8月12日 星期六

World’s smallest bear finally has its time in the sun. But is that a good thing?



【摘要2023.8.11.自由】The world’s smallest bear is finally having its moment in the sun – thanks to a viral video that sparked a conspiracy theory on Chinese social media.


Public interest in sun bears, one of Asia’s most endangered and intriguing animals, has rocketed after video footage emerged showing a bear named Angela in her enclosure at the Hangzhou zoo in eastern China standing upright on a rock and waving her paw.


Various wildlife conservationists told CNN that they now hope all the attention surrounding Angela will help to raise awareness about the sun bear’s plight – they face threats including deforestation and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade.



(one’s) day/moment/time in the sun:片語,指特別成功、受歡迎或出名的一天或一段時期;出頭天。例句:The actress is still waiting for her day in the sun.(這名女星還在等待大放異彩的那一天。)

rocket:動詞,迅速上升;一舉成功。例句:Julia Roberts rocketed to fame in the film "Pretty Woman".(茱莉亞羅勃茲憑《麻雀變鳳凰》一片一舉成名。)


