2023年8月22日 星期二

Whale ballet’: Video shows 3 humpbacks jump in unison, a birthday surprise for man and daughters


Whale ballet’: Video shows 3 humpbacks jump in unison, a birthday surprise for man and daughters



A New Hampshire man celebrating his birthday on the ocean with his three daughters captured video of something so rare that even marine scientists are jealous — three humpback whales leaping from the water in near perfect unison.


“It was such an uplifting thing to see. Just incredible,” Robert Addie said.


“A triple breach is unheard of and a synchronized triple breach is even rarer,” he said. “It’s once in a lifetime. Just very fortunate. I feel God shined down on me to allow me to to capture that.”


To add to the thrill, seconds after the three whales breached and twisted through the air, a juvenile whale did the same thing. Whale experts later told Addie that the aerial maneuvers may have been an attempt to remove parasites or aid digestion. (AP)



breach:名詞,對法律等的破壞、對他人權利的侵害、破裂、裂痕、缺口;動詞,指破壞、違反、侵害、躍出水面。例句:She opened a breach with his brother after the quarrel.(那次爭吵後,她與哥哥鬧翻了。)

thrill:名詞,指興奮、激動、緊張感;動詞,指使興奮、使激動、使緊張。例句:It gave me a real thrill to see him again after so many years.(這麼多年後再看到他,著實令我激動。)


