2022年8月30日 星期二

Burning Man: Turning Dreams into Reality



【摘要2022.8.30..蘋果】In 1986, Larry Harvey and his friend Jerry James created the first-ever Burning Man party on a beach in San Francisco. To end the party, they burned an eight-foot-tall wooden statue of a man on the summer solstice. In 2019, around 78,000 people experienced the craziness of the Burning Man party in the middle of the Black Rock Desert. There, they watched a giant “man” burn to the ground on the final day of the event.

1986 年,拉里.哈維及他的朋友傑瑞.詹姆斯於舊金山的一座海灘上創立了有史以來第一個火人祭派對。他們在夏至這天焚燒了一座八英尺高的木製人像來結束這場派對。2019 年時,約有七萬八千人在黑岩沙漠中體驗火人祭的狂熱。在那裡,他們看著一個巨大的「人」在活動的最後一天燒成灰燼。


create vt. 創作,創造

wooden a. 木製的

burn(...) to the ground  燒毀(……

That poor family’s house was burnt to the ground in a big fire.

