2022年4月23日 星期六

You inhaled it’: Man inhales drill bit during dental visit




A routine trip to the dentist was anything but normal — after an Illinois man inhaled the dentist’s drill bit and had to go to the hospital to get it removed last month.


Tom Jozsi, 60, told WISN-TV that he was at the dentist getting his tooth filled when he was told he swallowed a tool.


“I didn’t really even feel it going down. All I felt was a cough. When they did the CT scan they realized, ‘You didn’t swallow it. You inhaled it,’” he said. Doctors believe that Jozsi inhaled just before he coughed, sending the 1-inch bit deep into Jozsi’s lung.


Dr. Abdul Alraiyes decided to try a newer device to remove the object — one that’s designed for early detection of cancer.


Video of the scan shows the medical team was able to navigate the narrow airways, reach the drill piece and pull it out without harming Jozsi. AP



anything but:片語,指恰恰不、根本不、絕不。例句:Anything but coffee.(除了咖啡以外,什麼都可以。)

CT scan :電腦斷層掃描,即Computed Tomography scan

navigate:動詞,指航行於、飛行於、駕駛、操縱、導航、引導、穩定地筆直走、使法案通過。例句:Who first navigated the Taiwan Strait?(誰最先橫渡台灣海峽?)



