2022年4月4日 星期一

Oscars ratings bounce back as Will Smith hooks viewers


威爾史密斯吸引觀眾 讓奧斯卡收視率回

【摘要2022.4.3..自由】The Oscars were in desperate need of a ratings boost and, on a night when Will Smith stunned viewers by slapping Chris Rock on stage, some 15.36 million Americans tuned in.


Preliminary audience figures, revealed by broadcaster ABC on Monday, represent a significant recovery from last year’s record-low 9.85 million live viewers, although they are still the second-lowest in televised Academy Awards history.


The moment when Smith struck comedian Rock for quipping about his wife’s hair-loss condition immediately went viral online, launching countless memes and opinions both defending and condemning the best actor winner.


"Does the Academy want this kind of publicity? No, they don’t. They don’t want the kind of publicity that says violence takes place at the Oscars," Variety’s Marc Malkin told AFP.



hook:動詞,(用鉤子)鉤住、掛於鉤上、引上鉤。例句:A powerful conclusion will "hook" the reader and get them eager to donate to your cause.(一個強而有力的結論將會吸引讀者,促使他們急於為你努力的目標捐款。)

quip:動詞,譏諷、說俏皮話、調侃。名詞,譏諷語、遁詞、妙語。例句:To quip means to say something that is intend to be amusing or clever.(調侃的意思是說一些有趣或聰明的話。)

publicity:名詞,宣傳(活動)、推廣、關注。例句: The case has attracted wide publicity.(此案受到廣泛關注。)


