2021年10月3日 星期日

What a cracker! Merkel pecked by parrot




Outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel provided a rare splash of color amid Germany’s staid election campaign while visiting a bird park where she posed with half a dozen parrots.


Not content with the bird feed on offer, one of the rainbow lorikeets took a peck at the long-time German leader’s hand, prompting a theatrical scream from Merkel.


Merkel, who is not running for a fifth term, visited the northeastern state of Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania on Thursday to promote the center-right Union bloc’s candidate in the constituency she has held since 1990.


Germany holds a national election Sunday that will determine the composition of parliament. The strongest party usually ends up leading a new government and will name a new chancellor, who needs to be confirmed by a majority of lawmakers. AP



cracker:名詞,指薄脆餅乾、彩色拉炮、爆竹、破碎器、出色的人或物、吹牛者、破壞者。例句:He’s written three books, and every one is a cracker.(他寫了3本書,每本都很棒。)

splash:動詞,指潑濺、激起水花、揮霍錢財。例句:The newspaper splashed the story on its front page one.(那家報紙把這件事放頭版報導。)

peck:動詞,指啄食、用尖頭工具鑿琢、連續敲擊、一點一點吃、吹毛求疵。例句:He pecked me on the cheek.(他輕吻了一下我的臉頰。)


