2021年10月1日 星期五

Company seeks candidate to make $1,300 by watching 13 horror movies


企業開價1300美元 徵求候選人看13部恐怖片


FinanceBuzz, a financial advice website, announced it is seeking a "Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst" to watch 13 horror films with varying budgets and compare the scares from big-budget movies to their low-budget counterparts.


The chosen candidate will use a FitBit device to track heart rates while watching the movies and will get paid $1,300.


The films selected by the website are Amityville Horror, A Quiet Place, A Quiet Place Part 2, Candyman, Insidious, The Blair Witch Project, Sinister, Get Out, The Purge, Paranormal Activity, Saw, Annabelle and the 2018 remake of Halloween.


Applications are being accepted through Sept. 26. The winning candidate will be announced Oct. 1.



vary:動詞,變化。例句:Salary scales vary from state to state.(各州薪資級距不同。)

scare:名詞或動詞,驚嚇;使恐懼。例句:A sudden blare scared her.(她被突然的一聲巨響嚇到。)

counterpart:名詞,對應的人或物。例句:The President is to meet her counterparts very soon.(總統很快會和各國元首相會。)


