2021年10月11日 星期一

Study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing




Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy, but new research suggests that more free time might not be the magic elixir many of us dream it could be.


In a new study released last week, researchers analyzed data from two large-scale surveys about how Americans spend their time. Together, the surveys included more than 35,000 respondents.


The researchers found that people with more free time generally had higher levels of subjective well-being ― but only up to a point.


People who had up to two hours of free time a day generally reported they felt better than those who’d had less time. But people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally said they felt worse.



elixir:名詞, 靈丹妙藥;煉金藥;長生不老藥。例句:Keep your mind awake and active; that’s the only youth elixir. (保持頭腦清醒和靈活便是保持年輕的唯一靈丹妙藥。)

up to a point,片語,在一定程度上。例句:Of course there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point.(這當然有些道理,但僅在一定程度上。)


