2020年9月28日 星期一

In New York, making a life out of bottles and cans

In New York, making a life out of bottles and cans



When the Brooklyn clothing factory where she worked closed its doors, Josefa Marin started picking up cans and bottles from trash cans to make ends meet.


A decade later, the 50-year-old Mexican immigrant is handed hundreds of recyclables by bars and clubs and by concierges of private buildings. They even give her the keys to their trash rooms so she can take what she needs.


They are called "bottle professionals" by some redemption centers’ employees, and are described as people who know by heart each recycling and trash pick-up route and who take the job seriously thanks to a 1982 law in New York that allows consumers to return empty containers for five cents.AP



make ends meet:慣用片語,使收支平衡。例句:It is an achievement to make ends meet with a big family.(在大家庭中達成收支平衡,堪稱一項成就。)

concierge:名詞,門房;櫃檯人員。例句:Police officers disguise themselves as hotel concierges.(員警喬裝成飯店禮賓人員。)

redemption:名詞,贖回;買回。例句:I paid a lot of money for the redemption of the jewelry.(我花了一大筆錢贖回珠寶。)


