2022年3月19日 星期六

Quebec unlocks world’s only maple syrup strategic reserve




Quebec Maple Syrup ProducersQMSPis releasing more than half of the world’s only strategic reserve of 45 million kg of maple syrup to keep up with soaring demand - avoiding a sticky situation for pancake lovers.


Sales of maple syrup have climbed since the pandemic spread in 2019 and led to more people eating at home. Adding to the syrup squeeze, Quebec’s harvest in 2020 was the smallest in three years due to unusually warm weather.


The Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve spans 24,805 square meters, the equivalent of five football fields, securing syrup in sterilized 170-liter barrels.


QMSP is also approving 7 million new taps during the next three years, a 14% increase, to bolster production.Reuters



sticky:形容詞,黏的、棘手的。例句:My fingers are sticky with maple syrup.(我的手指沾上楓糖漿,黏呼呼的。)

sterilize:動詞,消毒、使無菌。例句:All the machines must be sterilize after being used.(所有機器使用後一定得消毒。)

tap:動詞,在(樹上)刻痕取液。例句:I used to be a farm worker that tapped rubber trees.(我曾是一名負責割橡膠的農場工人。)


