2022年3月26日 星期六

Michigan woman turning 100 adds another tattoo




A Michigan woman soon will celebrate a milestone birthday. How old? Look at her decorative upper arm.


Gloria Weberg has “NY NY 1922” tattooed on her left arm, the year and place of her birth.

葛洛莉亞.韋伯格在她的左手臂刺了「NY NY 1922」,她的出生年份和地點。

Weberg is turning 100 on March 2, not a typical age to visit a tattoo artist. But that’s what she has done every 10 years since turning 80.


Her birth year and New York is under a goddess representing Mother Earth — added at age 80 — and among seven stars representing her children, which she added at age 90.


“My secret is being active,” Weberg said of her longevity. “To be aware of what’s going on in the world in every way, from what my children were doing, their education, how important that was to me.”AP



tattoo:名詞,指連續有節奏的敲擊聲、刺青;動詞,指連續有節奏地敲擊、紋身。例句:She beat a frantic tattoo with her hands on the door. 他用手瘋狂地連續敲門。(她用手瘋狂連續敲門。)

typical:形容詞,指典型的、有代表性的、一向如此的、不出所料的。例句:It’s just typical of Hank to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest several months later.(漢克就是那種先把所有錢花在裝備上、然後過了幾個月就失去興趣的人。)

represent:動詞,指描繪、聲稱、陳述、象徵、表示、代表、提出抗議、扮演。例句:She represented the plan as practical.(她聲稱計畫切實可行。)

