2021年11月16日 星期二

Genome-edited tomato enters Japanese market




Sicilian Rouge High GABA is a special type of tomato designed to contain high levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an amino acid believed to aid relaxation and help lower blood pressure.


Tokyo-based startup Sanatech Seed Co. teamed up with scientists at the University of Tsukuba to develop a new variety of tomatoes using CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology. Named Sicilian Rouge High GABA, this new type of tomato contains five to six times the normal level of GABA.

總部在東京的新創企業Sanatech Seed和築波大學的科學家,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯技術,聯合研發出這種名為「高GABA西西里胭脂」的新品種番茄。這種新種番茄的GABA含量是普通番茄的56倍。

According to Japanese media, the company removed an inhibitory domain within the tomato’s genome to enable it to produce these high levels of GABA.


Unlike genetically modified foods, genome-edited plant varieties are considered just as safe as varieties improved using conventional methods because no outside gene is introduced during the process.



startup:名詞,新創立的公司。例句:A more established company might be safer, but startups are more dynamic.(一個較為成熟的公司或許較有工作保障,但新創公司較有活力。)

team up:片語,合作。例句:They teamed up to win this game.(他們合作爭取贏得這場比賽。)

