2021年4月23日 星期五

Riders Are Abandoning Buses and Trains. That’s a Problem for Climate Change


乘客不再繼續搭巴士與火車 這對氣候變遷是一大問題


A year into the coronavirus pandemic, public transit is hanging by a thread in many cities around the world. Riders remain at home or they remain fearful of boarding buses and trains. And without their fares, public transit revenues have fallen off a cliff. In some places, service has been cut. In others, fares have gone up and transit workers are facing the prospect of layoffs.


That’s a disaster for the world’s ability to address that other global crisisclimate change. Public transit offers a relatively simple way for cities to lower their greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention a way to improve air quality, noise and congestion.



hang by a thread:慣用語,字面意義為用一條線吊著,形容情況危急、千鈞一髮、岌岌可危。例句:The minister’s political career has been hanging by a thread since sexual harassment scandals.(部長的政治生涯自性騷擾醜聞後便岌岌可危。)

fall off a cliff:慣用語,字面意義為跌落懸崖,形容突然與快速減少或暴跌、暴落。例句:The global economy fell off a cliff during the coronavirus lockdown.(全球經濟在新冠病毒所導致的封鎖期間重挫。)

not to mention:慣用語,更不用說、更何況、遑論。


