2021年7月18日 星期日

Biden’s right-to-repair order is good news for people who always break their phones-


Biden’s right-to-repair order is good news for people who always break their phones-

總是弄壞手機的人們 拜登的維修權命令是個好消息


After years of petitions and proposals, momentum is building in government to give consumers broader rights to repair products they own ranging from farm tractors to mobile phones.


The right-to-repair issue has brought farmers in league with electronic and computer enthusiasts, who for years have groused at the thought that they merely licensed software, didn’t own it, and weren’t able to modify it to their liking.


In a press briefing yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden will issue an executive order directing the US Department of Agriculture to issue rules that "give farmers the right to repair their own equipment how they like."


Biden will urge the Federal Trade Commission to press computer and electronics manufacturers and defense contractors to offer additional leeway in how their devices are repaired.



repair:動詞,維修、修補。例句:You can try to repair your phone’s screen by yourself.(你可以試著自己修理你的手機螢幕。)

in league with:片語,與結合,與勾結。

leeway:名詞,餘地、餘裕。例句:The government is considering the possibility of giving some leeway to individuals who have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.(政府正在考慮給予已經接種2劑武肺疫苗者一些餘裕的可能性。)


